TI-95 ProCalc

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TI-95 - The TI-74s big brother.

The TI-95 ProCALC was introduced in 1986 by Texas Instruments as a high-end programmable portable compact computer system. It even contained a HELP command to enable the user to determine the parameter settings of the calculator

You can see the similarity to the TI-74 and it's older counterpart, the Compact Computer 40. As you can see here, the TI-95 had five function keys.



Here is a picture of the TI-95 in it's plastic carrying case. The Quick Reference Card has information on both sides.


Here is another picture of the TI-95 and it's User's Guide.


Here is a shot of the Statistics software package.


Here is the Statistics Solid State Cartridge.


All equipment on this page owned by Steve Eggers.

This page and its contents, copyright 2004-2006, Steve Eggers, All Rights Reserved